Henry the Hermit Crab


An Ode to Henry the Hermit Crab


He was the hugest crab to have ever crab walked the earth

He was certainly not drab and his shell had the largest girth


Theories abound about how he grew so large

Such as how he got radiated on or rode a magical barge


But the truth is more simple and makes a lot more sense

Let me tell you now there’s no need to hold your breath


Instead of inhabiting a shell that was just the right size

He’d always live in one too big in which he’d look silly to most eyes


But he knew that if his body never filled his shell

It would continue to grow large and big and well


Visualisation is another thing that he’d learned to master

He’d picture himself growing up bigger, stronger and faster


So by the time he was a young adult crab and as huge as a house

His contemporaries where still no bigger than a cute little mouse


He became super famous and went on all the talk shows

Jimmy Fallon even referred to him as one of his bros


He travelled the world every day an adventure

With his eyes always peeled for a shell that was bigger, stronger and better


The End

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