Anton the Aztec Goat


An Ode to Anton the Aztec Goat

A goat called Anton rowed his boat
Every day around the castle in the moat

And in that boat he wore a coat
And its patterns were great, he was known to gloat

“In the Incas I obtained my patterned coat”
In his daily journal is what he wrote

The coat was payment made in full
For head-butting one rampaging bull

He butted the bull and it ran away
And he saved all the village folk on that day

But that was a long time in the past
And now he can’t even run that fast

His time is now spent as a goat in a boat
Paddling in a moat while wearing a coat

It might seem silly but it floats his boat
That Anton the Goat who’s known to gloat

The End