Mickey the Powerful Owlet


An Ode to Mikey the Powerful Owlet

Mikey is an owl who was born to a fam
They live in the trees on Byles Creek land

They like to hang out and have a good time
Hooting out songs and having a jive

When not jiving about and having a laugh
Mikey likes jamming out riffs on his acoustic guitar

He plays regular gigs to packed out crowds
The creatures of the land and even some hounds

Another thing about Mickey is that he is the most powerful owl
Stronger than a bull and even a fully grown cow

He once lifted a branch that was as thick as a log
After it fell off the tree onto a little green frog

For all the fun that Mickey doth got
He’s in very real danger of losing the lot

Some dudes want to destroy the trees of his birth
But this place is special cause his home springs from its earth

The End

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