Dance Master Tommy Franklin


An Ode to the Dance Master Tommy Franklin


Once there was a dude who danced around the world

Spreading good vibes each time his limbs unfurled


He danced over here and he danced over there

He danced like a a man without a single care


Anyone who saw him dance his magic moves

Couldn’t but help to get up and join in the grooves


And each time they did his beard would a little bit grow

Till it was long and lustrous with a nice bushy flow


Once he went out to the bush for a little rave

And all the local animals emerged from their cave


They began to bust the moves to the beat

Just like this guy with the magical moving feet


Animals would join him everywhere he went

They’d live in his beard which was very well kept


He’d travel around with his animals bro’s

Gathering people and hosting dance shows


The End